22: The Animal Crossing Incident
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about Cyberpunk 2077, Bojack Horseman, Iron Fist, Luigi's rise from the grave, Tom Nook, Pharoah Atem's Pores, Kingdom motherfucking hearts 3, Telltale and Capcom Vancouver, Spiderman for PS4, Burnout Paraidse Remastered, Monster Hunter World, Counter Strike, Yakuza 0, The 21st Night of September, and old microsoft sql server databases found in a warehouse.
NCIX Canada's MS SQL Server databases
Demi Adejuyigbe celebrates the first day of fall
Ditto has escaped
45 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077
Nintendo Direct from Sept 13, 2018
Created on 2018-10-06 16:57:22
21: Johnny V Got Norted
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about falling in love, camping in upstate New York, a tire falling off a car, Todd Howard's Andrew WK Concert, Sakurai giving everything he's got, Aqua Getting Norted, Jon Benjamin's impromptu flute concert, Hashtag Skate 4, Sonic Fox's rise to eSports Stardom, MoviePass running out of money, Haida the Good Good Hyena Boy. Featuring a Games We Played Speedround. Violent J's Fursuit Purchase. An altercation with the police in a gas station. John Vignocchi's Kingdom Hearts Wedding.
Rocko's Modern Homosexual Agenda
Aqua Got Norted
Death Stranding E3 Trailer because I just cant explain this
Violent J's Family Fursuit Video Review
Resisting Arrest in Edmonton Canada
Johnny V's Kingdom Hearts Wedding
Created on 2018-08-21 23:59:25
20: Maggie's Cyber Fuck Shack
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On today’s Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about Chappie, The Room, Smash Brothers, Billy Mitchell’s fall from grace, XTREME Early Access, Far Cry 5, Kirby, and the snowstorm that destroyed New Jersey.
DVS Grillz The Zuck
Dont watch this one its the Russian Homonculus and is gross
Dragonball Super in Mexico
Sora's sick grind
Shadow the Hedgehog Concept Art (VERY GOOD)
Created on 2018-06-17 16:42:58
19: You Hear About Crank Yankers
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about why you should never cheat in school, tinkering with very small electronics, the return of teriyaki ketchup, Metal Gear Survive, gun control, Nier: Automata, and the year 2008.
Mico's New Joycons
Bongo Run with Broly
Trampoline Mistake
Drones are Birds Now
Pokemon's 1997 US Marketing Strategy
Airsoft Boy
Tally Hall Internet Show / Natural Ketchup
Created on 2018-06-10 23:34:00
18: Eevee Party 2
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about Mobile Mario Cars, cheating in the high score community, Celeste, Monster Hunter with Guns, Pokemon and YuGiOh cards, and Elon Musk's Eeveesona.
The subtle intracacies of MAME and DK
Goofy Inc
Eevee Party 2 and a Newgrounds version also
All biology became skeleton and Sea Horse
Mike's other thing got deleted since we recorded that.
Monster hunter w/ guns
Created on 2018-06-08 01:17:34
17: Bob and George
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On today's episode of Burn Down the Sandcast, follow us back in time to January. We talk about Microsoft GamePass, The World's Most Influential Webcomic (TM), Monster Hunter & DBZ Fighters, and Vince McMahon being a football doofus.
A good child
A Very Special Episode of DBZ
Karma's a bitch
Dont shoot your friends
Created on 2018-06-08 01:10:05
16: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018
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On today’s Burn Down the Sandcast, three out of the four of us went to AGDQ and lived to tell the tale. The fourth one is still alive, he just didn’t go to the event. We talk about the horrible things we ingested in Virginia, the Nintendo Direct Mini, The Great Mouse Detective: Pikachu Edition, Nintendo selling us literal cardboard, Jeff Gerstmann in a hot tub, and weird billboards.
Talking Points:
Chibus Robus Burns
jacuzzi j back up in that azz for the one-eight solo style
The Mana Potion
Ultimate Mario Warrior
Created on 2018-02-17 23:58:15
15: The BDTSC Fistmas Spectacular 2017
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about things that we liked and maybe didn't like? It's whatever of the year 2017! Come on down for some Opinions courtesy of your friends.
Created on 2018-01-06 19:30:37
14: Whomst've
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about snow, The Game Awards, the PS Experience, Patreon's horrendous business decisions (which got rolled back since we recorded this), and Judy Hopps guest stars on this very special episode.
Talking Points:
Wildfire Rabbit Rescue
Fighting Game Hand Petting a Dog Meme 1 2 3 4
Created on 2018-01-06 03:09:35
13: Tom Nook's Testosterone Factory
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about EA and the Loot Boxes, several awkward people singing about thanksgiving, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, the wonderful taste of onion juice, and we check in with the happenings at Midwest FurFest
Talking Points:
The Thanksgiving Hellscape
Dildos and Slingshots
Bad Person Alert
Created on 2018-01-04 23:49:30
12: Charles Marionnette and the Meet N’ Fuck Mushroom Kingdom
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about Mario, the final days of Miiverse (this episode is very late), Charles Martinet, celebrities who are bad people, Pharaoh Atem, and Gaymer X East 2017
Talking Points:
Yugi Boy
Mario Odyssey Speedrun Tech
you got a moon bot
Mario Odyssey Titty Physics
Gaymer X East 2017 404ing it
Created on 2017-12-17 00:09:48
11: Bowser's Wedding
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In this inaugural episode of the Burn Down The Sandcast, Mico is away getting married to Bowser. In his absence, we talk about THE MARIO, every other videogame release, Tom Nook taking your real life money, Neogaf imploding, Mike's horrible Destiny 2 addiction and your emails about games that have aged poorly!
Resident Evil 4 inventory management the game
DVS is the bladerunner
papa eggman
mario's ahegao face, and the moments before mario's ahegao face
Created on 2017-12-01 04:19:32
10: Heavy on the Garf Content
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On today's 3-weeks-late Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about the everpresent concept of mortality, DRM, Visceral, Detective Pikachu, The Garf, and then also The Garf a second time.
Talking Points:
Garfield Dog Cum Strip Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Garfield II: The Sequel to Garfield
N64 Custom Robo
Random frames from 1995 Classic Hackers
Subscribe @ burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-11-16 01:39:26
09: Eat Ass and Drive Fast
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On today's very delayed Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about Arby's, YuGiOh, Swery's failed crowdfunding venture, Humble Bundle's new parent company, and Apple's very bad diversity take.
Talking Points:
Sonic 3D Blast HD
Bad Diversity Takes
WWE2k Glitch Highlight Reel
Wild Boy VS A Cop
Wil Wheaton's Slapdown
Subscribe @ burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-10-28 04:29:26
08: Teriyaki Ketchup
Download This EpisodeOn today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about how someone tried to invent the tent, Rick & Morty fans, whipping golf balls at people, Nintendo World Championships, and Eminem's hit song Lose Yourself.
Talking Points:
Russia's nightmare stadium
Cthulu fucked a Chicken
hashtag disney mcdonalds tie in promotion
Graphic Design is Smashburger's PassionSubscribe @ burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-10-14 04:14:29
07: When's Cuphead?
Download This EpisodeOn today's Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about Cuphead, Red Dead 2, Mario's fists, Volition's poor decisions in the game design space, and Sonic in bootyshorts serving all you can eat hot wings.
Talking Points:
Pennywise is a cop https://twitter.com/WLBT/status/912323565831229440
Sonic X Hooters Japan http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/298/857/d15.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/298/865/4f8.jpg_orig http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/298/866/f19.jpg
The ZuckerBot 4000 https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DKOzCypUMAAsbg9.mp4
Subscribe @ burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-10-07 02:07:10
06: The Magistocrats Took My Skull
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In this episode we talk about sleeping poorly, Japan's E3, enemy of the show Randy Pitchford, getting sued for bad memes, Jayden Smith being a robot, and why the KKK aren't the only people who use the word wizard. Talking points: Mico's Authentic Pizza Parlor http://micospizzeria.com/ | Ey, How ya doin? It's me, Mario https://twitter.com/McJesse/status/910679607661223937 | Ben Garrison's "Accidental" Furry Porn http://68.media.tumblr.com/a189843a41c75213f3afc87e4142afc9/tumblr_owng5x5zIO1tekpe5o1_1280.png https://i.imgur.com/qS4Gz2e.jpg
Created on 2017-09-28 04:15:52
05: Ted Cruz is the Bodega Killer
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast we talk about Ted Cruz's love life, Mario and Dedede's extremely detailed chests, the tech startup that invented a vending machine, Metroid 2, and how Youtubers may be actually bad people. Talking Points: Marvel VS Capcom Infinite Easter Egg Collection https://i.imgur.com/JszUKat.jpg | Powerpuff Girl???? https://i.imgur.com/y2hXyxX.jpg | Hip Hop and Twitter Sensation DVS https://twitter.com/DVSBlast | Big Body Small Skull https://twitter.com/sattou0 | Subscribe @ burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-09-21 02:56:16
04: This is Audio Poison
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In this 4th annual episode of the Burn Down the Sandcast we talk lots of depressing news, Nazi dismemberment, playing JRPGs one-handed, the decline of the Steam Marketplace and how much we love Blue Tails. Also guest starring sometimes co-collaborator Andy. Talking Points: Gamebun's Sonic OC https://i.imgur.com/Ln0tplp.png https://i.imgur.com/cYmQ84o.png | A Man Drenches A Glock in Cum Lube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tmQw9Yhj-U | Christmas is cancelled this year http://store.steampowered.com/app/633370/Whos_your_Santa/ | Bad cuphead reviewer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=848Y1Uu5Htk | Subscribe @ burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-09-16 04:32:05
03: Sonic and Knackles
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On today's extremely long Burn Down the Sandcast, we talk about The Return of the Knack, The Worst thing You Overheard at School, Sonic Mania, Nindies presented by Travis Touchdown, Destiny 2, a very strange youtube channel, and The Mystery of Millennial Mario Talking Point: ERIC MEAL TIME - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcuzVpSUy2w Subscribe @ burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-09-08 00:15:17
02: Enemy of the Show Todd Howard
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On today's Burn Down the Sandcast we talk about Juggalos fighting fascists, being a throwaway Rick and Morty joke, Rico Raccoon, the last PS2 game, supporting esports, goku, Todd Howard and Randy Pitchford, Taylor Swift's Night in the Woods Fanfiction, and we keep saying friend of the show over and over again. Talking Points: Loss Genius Dot Com - https://twitter.com/SOJ_SSB/status/900207925771350020 Taylor "Night in the Woods" Swift - https://twitter.com/bombsfall/status/900980742146203648 Old Gamespot Reviews - https://twitter.com/headfallsoff/status/899728574378278914 Shoot the Hurricane - https://twitter.com/WhatTheFerick/status/901152626808586241 Bubsy is BACK baby - https://twitter.com/BubsyThe_Bobcat
Created on 2017-08-28 00:12:47
01: Yo La Tengo is Ballbusting the Classics
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On the inaugural episode of the Burn Down the Sandcast, we play it by ear. We talk about Santa in an uncomfortably erotic way, William Shatner's musical career, Yo La Tengo's relationship with freeform radio fundraising, and punching very bad people. And also punching other things. http://burndownthesandcastle.info
Created on 2017-08-19 20:26:31